
Program Calendar

September, 2024

Saturday, September 7, 10:00 a.m. – Noon.  Edmonds College Snohomish Hall, Room 338.    Fall kick-off with a no-host potluck lunch.  “Get informed-Stay Engaged”.  Items on agenda:  Review our budget;  Explore a Caring & Sharing activity;  Review the big 3 initiatives on the ballot this November;  Discuss our October fundraiser “An Evening of Art for Scholarships” and ways to help and sign up;  Social time to catch up with everyone!  Click here to buy tickets for An Evening of Art for Scholarships.

Coming Up …

October, 2024

Saturday, October 4, 5-8 pm.  Our Annual “An Evening of Art for Scholarships”.  Join artists and art collectors for an Inspiring Evening of Art and Empowerment – our major scholarship fundraiser!  Location:  Washington State University Everett, 915 North Broadway Everett, WA 98201.  Tickets are $25.00 – early bird tickets are $20 before September 9th.  Raffle tickets are $5.00 and can be prepaid before the event.  Click here to buy tickets

Saturday, October 19.  A statewide meeting Renton Technical college in Renton.  Theme:  “Telling Our Stories”.  Hear great speakers and watch the movie “Arise” (See AAUW WA state website for movie trailer).  Registration is coming out in August:  $40 includes lunch.  We can arrange car pooling down there and there is financial support to attend for the day including reimbursement of mileage/gas.

November, 2024

Saturday, November 16.  Zoom meeting.  Joint meeting with Seattle branch.  The program title is:  “The Politics of bathroom access and exclusion in the US”.  The presenter is Sara Chatfield, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Denver.  She is the author of the book:  “In Her Own Name: the Politics of Women’s Rights before Suffrage.”

December, 2024

Saturday, December 14.  Annual Holiday Party and Branch Fundraiser.  Location TBD.

January, 2025

Saturday, January 11.  Edmonds College Snohomish Hall, Room 338.  We will be discussing upcoming Lobby week and the vetted bills AAUW WA will be following.

February, 2025

Saturday, February 8.  Edmonds College Snohomish Hall, Room 338.  We will have a speaker from AARP discussing Ageism and the ways it is affecting women.  Also, possibly initiate a Caring and Sharing Project.

March, 2025

Saturday, March 8.  Edmonds College Snohomish Hall, Room 338.  Topic:  TBD

April, 2025

Saturday, April 12.  TBD.

May, 2025

Saturday, May 10.   Location:  TBD.  Branch Business meeting to elect new officers and review bylaws.

June, 2025

Saturday, June 14.  Annual end of year scholarship celebration.


Past 2024-2025 events …
