
September, 2013


Mary Anne Dillon-Bryant

Branch meeting, Saturday, September 14, 10 am to noon, Edmonds Community College

Welcome back to members and guests and an overview of what’s happening this year. Speaker: Mary Anne Dillon-Bryant, senior regional director of Snohomish County YWCA, “Empowering Women to Thrive.”

Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 17, 6:45 to 8:45 pm, Lake Ballinger Estates condos.

Diversity Book Group, Wednesday, September 18, 7 pm, at the home of Helen Behan. Book to be discussed is Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

Coffee and Conversation, Friday, September 20, at 10 am, at Panera, 7929 Lake Ballinger Way, at the junction of NE 205th Street and Highway 104.

Special program, Saturday, September 21, 10:30 am, Edmonds Community College, Snohomish Hall, Room 304A.

jeanne_kohl-wellesOur guest speaker is state senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles. Her topic is “Human Trafficking in Washington: From the Historic Mercer Maids to Sexual Exploitation in Internet Ads.” This program is co-sponsored by our branch and the League of Women Voters of Snohomish County.

October, 2013


AAUW Washington co-president Kelvie Comer

Branch meeting, Saturday, October 12, 10 am to noon, Edmonds Community College, Snohomish Hall, Room 304A.

Joint meeting with Everett AAUW. Our guest speaker is Kelvie Comer, co-president of AAUW Washington. Kelvie will speak about the current focus of AAUW Washington, Tech Trek, and AAUW funds development.

Board Meeting, Tuesday, October 15, 6:45 to 8:45 pm, Mountlake Terrace Public Library.

Coffee and Conversation, Friday, October 18, 10 am, location TBA.

November, 2013

cake (640x480)The 40th anniversary celebration of our branch, Saturday, November 9, 2 to 4:30 pm, Edmonds Community College, Snohomish Hall, Room 304A.

“Remembering the Past and Looking Forward to the Future.”

Coffee and Conversation, Friday, November 15, 10 am, Aloha Cafe, 6808 196th Street, Lynnwood.

Board Meeting, Tuesday, November 19, 6:45 to 8:45 pm, Mountlake Terrace Public Library.

Diversity Book Club, Wednesday, November 20, 7 pm. Book to be discussed is Shadow Princess by Indu Sundaresan. See newsletter for location.

December, 2013

Annual holiday luncheon and fundraiser for local scholarships, Saturday, December 7, 10 am, Café de Paris restaurant, Edmonds.  Live and silent auction. Bring items for the auctions and invite guests to this gala event!

January, 2014

(No branch meeting this month)

Coffee and Conversation, Friday, January 17, 10 am, Café Louvre in Edmonds.

Bridge Group, Monday, January 20. Contact Barbara Bentson for time and location.

Diversity Book Group, Wednesday, January 22, 1 pm.  (Note the date change. This is a one-time change only. Book group will resume on the third Wednesday of the month in February.)  The book to be discussed is Monique and the Mango Rains by Kris Holloway.

AAUW-Washington Lobby Day, Monday, January 27, in Olympia.

February, 2014


Branch meeting, Saturday, February 8, 10 am to noon, Fairwinds Brighton Court. Guest speaker is Musetta Chang-Chi Fu, a registered nurse and PhD Candidate in Nursing Science at the UW, and her topic is “Music for Wellness.”

New Member Luncheon, Saturday, February 8, noon (right after the Branch meeting), Stella’s Landing Social Room, 404 Third Avenue South, Edmonds.


Diversity Book Group, Wednesday, February 19, 1 pm, at Helen Behan’s home. The book to be discussed is Nothing Daunted by Dorothy Wickenden.

Coffee and Conversation, Friday, February 21, 10 am, Aloha Cafe,  6808 196th Street, Lynnwood.

Movie viewing and discussion, Sunday, February 23, 4 pm. Stella’s Landing Social Room, 404 Third Avenue South, Edmonds. Bring a dish to share for post-movie discussion.

Bridge Group, Monday, February 24. Contact Barbara Bentson for time and location.

March, 2014

hats_off_to_womenAnnual tea and fundraiser, Saturday, March 15, 12:30 to 3:30 pm, Trinity Lutheran Church.

“Hats Off to Women” style show.

Diversity Book Group, Wednesday, March 19, 7 pm, Lake Forest Park Library. The book to be discussed is Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.

Coffee and Conversation, Friday, March 21, 10 am, Café Louvre in Edmonds.

Bridge Group, Monday, March 24. Contact Barbara Bentson for time and location.

Expanding Your Horizons Conference, Tuesday, March 25, Edmonds Community College. Our branch is co-sponsoring this event for 8th to 12th grade girls.

April, 2014

Project Home Association, “A Night to Remember,” Friday, April 11, 6 pm, Black Box Theatre.

Branch meeting, Saturday, April 12, 10 am to noon, Edmonds Community College, Snohomish Hall, Room 304.  Young Scholars Recognition and annual meeting.

Diversity Book Group, Wednesday, April 16, 7 pm, at the home of Lori Cross. The book to be discussed is Gemini by Seattle author Carol Cassella. RSVP to Lori if you plan to attend.

Coffee and Conversation, Friday, April 18, 10 am, Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park.

convention-2014-logoAAUW Oregon-Washington Joint Conference, April 25-27, Portland, Embassy Suites Hotel, Airport.

The theme is “Connect, Collaborate, Lead – AAUW Bridging the Columbia.”

Bridge Group, Monday, April 28. Contact Barbara Bentson for time and location.

May, 2014

Coffee and Conversation, Friday, May 16, 10 am, Panera Bakery, 7929 Lake Ballinger Way.

Branch meeting, Saturday, May 17, 10 am to noon, Edmonds Community College, Snohomish Hall, Room 304.

Final meeting of the year, installation of officers, and scholarship awards.

Diversity Book Group, Wednesday, May 21, 7 pm, at the home of Liz Sears. The book to be discussed is Temple of a Thousand Faces by John Shors.

Bridge Group, Monday, May 26. Contact Barbara Bentson for time and location.

June, 2014

(No branch meeting this month)

Branch Planning Retreat, Saturday, June  28, Stella’s Landing Social Room, 9 am to 2 pm. The retreat is a yearly planning session for the board and members of the branch teams for 2014-2015.

August, 2014

AAUW Washington Summer Meeting, August 22-23, Ellensburg. Leadership training and conference.

September, 2014

Edmonds SnoKing Branch table at the Edmonds Saturday Market, September 6.